segunda-feira, 15 de março de 2021

Inglês- semana de 15/03 a 19/03- Professora Claudia- 7º Ano

Bom dia meus queridos alunos e alunas, Senhores Pais e Responsáveis.
As aulas de Inglês online essa semana para os alunos do Sexto ao Nono Ano, serão de interpretação de texto, trago diferentes gêneros textuais contemplando habilidades e de nível de dificuldade pertinentes a cada Ano.

English as the Language of the                                          

   Modern World


Language is our primary way of communication as a species. Through it we are able to share our ideas, our needs and wants, and thoughts with others. There are more than 6,500 languages all over the world. Mostly we recognize them by the countries or geographic areas, languages are used in. Some are spoken by millions and some by only a few hundreds.

Why English?

English was originally the language of England. Due to the vast colonization of the British Empire, English was established as the main language of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United States and other colonies. In today’s world, where business is a predominant force, English has become the main language to make deals. A study from Harvard University regards English as “the fastest-spreading language in human history, English is spoken at a useful level by some 1.75 billion people worldwide — that’s one in every four of us.”

It’s the World’s Common Tongue

No matter where you travel to, you will surely find someone who speaks English. Although, there are other predominant languages by speakers such as Spanish or Mandarin, it is most probable to find an English speaker in Egypt than someone who speaks Spanish. That’s why when you travel abroad, you will find flight instructions in English regardless of the airline you are traveling with. In addition, more than 500 million people use English on the internet, that gives an English speaker a tremendous advantage at the time of acquiring information from the net.


Media makes learning English easy

There’s a vast majority of media content available in English. Many people have heard and watched an episode of The Simpsons, Doctor Who, The Nanny, and many many other American and British series. Music is another beacon of English culture that has helped spread the language across all borders. Even if someone cannot understand the lyrics to a song, it is most probable they will still listen to it due to the melody. Thanks to globalization most Anglo countries have taken advantage of this business and helped making English available to anyone who wishes to learn it.


(Responda as perguntas abaixo sobre o texto:)

  1. What is our primary way of comunication as species?

(Qual é a nossa maneira fundamental de comunicação enquanto o espécie?)


  1. Why was English established as the main language of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United States and other colonies?

(Por que a Língua  Inglesa foi estabelecida como língua principal da Austrália, Canadá, Nova Zelândia, Estados Unidos e outras colônias?)


  1. English Language is spoken by how many people worldwide?

(A Língua Inglesa é falada por cerca de quantas pessoas ao redor do mundo?)


  1. Why an english speaker has a tremendous advantage at the time of acquiring information from the net?

(Por que o falante de Língua Inglesa tem uma tremenda vantagem na obtenção de informações pela internet?)


  1. Why does Media make learning English easy?

(Por que a Mídia facilita o aprendizado do Inglês?)


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